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News > Palestine

Iran and Cuba Propose a Coalition to Defend Palestinians

  • Massive destruction in Rafah, in the south of Gaza, Dec. 4, 2023.

    Massive destruction in Rafah, in the south of Gaza, Dec. 4, 2023. | Photo: X/ @swilkinsonbc

Published 4 December 2023

“The UN Security Council, the Arab League, and other human rights institutions are not being effective in paralyzing the conflict,” the Iranian president said.

On Monday, Presidents Ebrahim Raisi (Iran) and Miguel Diaz-Canel (Cuba) called for the creation of a coalition of countries to protect the rights of the Palestinian people.


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“The Cuban president and I agree that a coalition of allied countries must be created to support the Palestinian people and the oppressed on different continents,” Raisi said in a press conference with Diaz-Canel, who is visiting Tehran.

The Iranian president stressed that the objective of the coalition would be to “defend the rights of the Palestinian people” in the face of the genocide and crimes against humanity that Israel is committing in Gaza.

Raisi criticized the ineffectiveness of international organizations to stop “the war machine” that the United States has placed at Israel's disposal.

The text reads, "A Palestinian doctor shows the world the effects of the Zionist genocide: a Palestinian baby of just a few months was torn apart by a missile tonight in Gaza. These images should appear on all the covers of the self-proclaimed Western 'free press' to denounce the genocide that is taking place in Gaza. However, they hide them because their U.S. imperialist master and the millionaire arms industry are the ones who finance them."

“The United Nations Security Council, the Arab League and other human rights institutions are not being effective in paralyzing the conflict,” the Iranian president said.

Diaz-Canel called for urgent efforts to be made for the international community to condemn the genocide that Israel commits against the Palestinian people and requested an immediate ceasefire and the creation of a State of Palestine.

The Cuban leader arrived in Tehran on Sunday night after attending the COP28 Climate Summit in Dubai and visiting Qatar.


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