Farmers Strike Blocks Border Between Spain and France

Tractors and riots on European roads, June 3, 2024 Photo: X/ @PFr1end

June 3, 2024 Hour: 10:07 pm

Among the demands, farmers highlight the reduction of taxes linked to energy consumption, greater food security over imports and give priority to local products.

More than a thousand farmers from Spain and France block eight border crossings between the two countries in order to demand changes in the European Union’s agricultural policy.

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A few days before the elections to the Parliament of the bloc, the movement of Catalan farmers Revolta Pagesa organized the strike that will last for 24 hours.

“We must protect ourselves and get the European authorities to pay attention to us,” said Revolta Pagesa spokesman Martí Plana.

While one of the figures of the movement, Jerome Bayle, declared: “We want to influence, because when I talk to the government, they tell me that 80 percent of agricultural legislation is decided in Brussels, so we have realized that the workhorse is no longer national, it is European”.

Among the demands, farmers highlight the reduction of taxes linked to energy consumption, more control of imports and give “priority” to local products.

Also, Plana ruled out the possibility that the cut will extend beyond Tuesday at 10 am, until when they have permission to carry out the protests: “It will be a 24-hour mobilization and, when the 24 hours are over, we will lift the cut”.

Autor: CC

Fuente: RT-Sputnik

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