Nigeria: Islamic Group Kill 2 Police Oficers in Abuja

Police Car Attacked by the INM, in Nigeria, Aug, 2024 Photo: @RipplesNG

August 25, 2024 Hour: 4:30 pm

The Nigerian police reported on Sunday that two of its agents were killed and three others unconscious in an attack in the country’s capital, Abuja, by the Islamic Militia of Nigeria (IMN), an Islamic terrorist organization.

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“Two policemen were killed, three knocked unconscious in the hospital and three police patrol vehicles were set on fire” in an “unprovoked attack by the outlawed Islamic Movement of Nigeria” in Wuse district, said Abuya Police Spokesman Josephine Adeh.

“The outlawed organization attacked the police checkpoint without provocation, wielding machetes, improvised explosive devices (bombs made locally from kerosene bottles) and knives,” Adeh said in a statement.

The spokesperson added that “several arrests have been made”, that “the situation is under control and normality has been restored”.

The INM exists since 2014, being a kind of militia of chii which carried out attacks against most of the Sunni Islamic branch and Christian communities

In 2015, following the arrest of its leader El Zakzaky on charges of manslaughter, unlawful assembly and disturbance of public order, IMN fighters clashed in the streets against the police and army.

Its goal is to establish a Shiite Islamic state in the country, the most populous in Africa with more than 218 million inhabitants.

Autor: OSG

Fuente: EFE-Africanews

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