70 Peruvian Districts in Emergency Due to Intense Rains

March 27, 2024 Hour: 1:32 pm

On Wednesday, Peruvian President Dina Boluarte declared a “State of Emergency” in 70 districts across 16 departments to address the impact of the intense rainfall.


Peruvian President Dina Boluarte With 86% of Rejection

The measure will be in effect for 60 days and includes districts from the departments of Amazonas, Ancash, Apurimac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cuzco, Huancavelica, Huánuco, Ica, Junin, Lima, Madre de Dios, Puno, Tacna, and Ucayali.

Reports from the National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) indicate that rainfall in these districts has caused river overflow, landslides, collapses, hailstorms, and avalanches.

These phenomena have caused damage to the life and health of the population, as well as to their homes, communication routes, irrigation infrastructure, drinking water network, public health, and education infrastructure.

“The magnitude of the reported damage requires the adoption of urgent measures” for “the implementation of immediate and necessary exceptional measures and actions, response, and rehabilitation as appropriate,” indicated the National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI).

Regional and local governments will implement the corresponding measures and actions with the INDECI technical coordination and the participation of various ministries.

The decree specified that planned actions will be financed from the institutional budget of the involved entities, without requiring additional resources from the public treasury.

The resolution was signed by the ministers of development and social inclusion, economy, education, energy and mines, interior, women and vulnerable populations, health, transportation and communications, and housing and sanitation.

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: EFE

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