ALBA-TCP Summit Ratifies Fight Against Fascism in the Region

April 24, 2024 Hour: 9:03 pm

The Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro highlighted this Wednesday in the framework of the XXIII ALBA-TCP summit held in Caracas, the need to ratify the fight against historical and contemporary fascism in the countries of the Caribbean and Latin America.


President Maduro Calls for the Integration of Alba Countries Into a United Front

He proposed to make an analysis of the fascism of a century ago and compare it with capitalism and neo-fascism of today. In this regard, he called on the media to play a critical role in the face of the resurgence of fascism and Zionism.

The Venezuelan president expressed his solidarity with the peoples of Argentina and Haiti, who are currently facing a harsh crisis as a result of a new fascism that seeks to impose a colonial model.

Maduro rejected the genocide by Israel against Palestine. “What is happening in Palestine is not a war, it is genocide, we ratify our humanist position, of solidarity, accompaniment and love for the noble Palestine lives, Palestine fights and Palestine will prevail in the future!”

He further referred to the construction of a new world and regional order, while highlighting the rise of new emerging powers. The Venezuelan president pointed out that the countries that make up the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are key players in the construction of a multipolar world.

ALBA 2030 Work Agenda

The member countries of ALBA-TCP proposed to establish an ALBA 2030 Working Agenda, to be debated and approved as a roadmap for action by governments and peoples.

The document contains the following seven short- and medium-term actions:

1. To create an ALBA-TCP development agency to make a global multilateral offensive to attract resources for integral development projects in the countries.

2. To study and approve a PetroCaribe Relaunching Plan in its new stage, as part of the defense against the bombardment of imperialist U.S. missiles “which tried to destroy PetroCaribe, stopped it but did not destroy it. PetroCaribe is re-launched and will return”, said Maduro.

3. Approval of the Alba Food Plan, to continue insisting on the issue of self-sufficiency and food production, in organic seeds and land, joint plans on non-polluting fertilizers, machinery, scientific applications, techniques, financing and commercialization.

4. Adopt and sign the People’s Trade Treaty, to establish the ALBA nations as a fair trade zone and economic complementarity, respecting asymmetries and levels of development of each country. “Only ALBA can determine it, only ALBA can achieve the miracle of the balance of respect, because here there are no big or small countries, none of them is hegemonic over the other, we are all equal and brothers and sisters.”

5. Establish a special, scientific, shared development, cultural, communication and academic program, with university exchange, science and technology, and the creation of the ALBA Peoples’ University.

6. Re-launching of the ALBA Health Plan, with all its implications for the training of doctors, of physicians, doctors, nurses and other specialties.

7. Advance in the creation of ALBA for the mitigation of the impact of the climate emergency created by the capitalist system and which all human beings are currently suffering from.

Maduro said the document contains “extraordinary proposals, with seven lines of action called ALBA Agenda 2030, with the major goals for the short and medium term, by 2030.”

“It is an integrating, motivating, unionist ALBA 2030 agenda,” he said.

Autor: teleSUR/ OSG

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