ALBA -TCP Support the Results Given by the Supreme Court About the 28J Elections


August 23, 2024 Hour: 9:59 pm

The Latin American bloc emphasizes that the decision of the highest body of justice in Venezuela “is an irrefutable sample” of what are the institutions of the South American country.

The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-Treaty on Trade of Peoples (ALBA-TCP) made clear, through an official statement, its support for the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela (TSJ) on the results of the 28 July in-person elections.

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The text stresses that “the ALBA-TCP member states welcome the decision issued by the TSJ on the results of the election day of last 28 July 2024, in which President Nicolás Maduro Moros was re-elected for the next period 2025-2031”.

The statement also states that it “applauds” the role of the TSJ, which certified “the results issued by the National Electoral Council (CNE)”.

The TSJ, ALBA notes, “has shown itself to be closely committed to the responsibility of giving peace and tranquility to the Venezuelan people”.

In this vein, the Latin American bloc emphasizes that the decision of the highest body of justice in Venezuela “is an irrefutable sample” of what are the institutions of the South American country that preserve sovereignty and self-determination, The rights of the people of that nation.

Finally, ALBA stressed that it supports “support for the Venezuelan people and government” and “applauds the worthy example of sovereignty without interference of any kind”, while celebrating the unquestionable victory of President Nicolás Maduro Moros”.

Autor: CC

Fuente: ALBA-TCP