23 July 2014 - 12:33 PM
Israel's Sons of Hate
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For an ethnic cleansing to take place, there must exist a cultural foundation that supports classifying the other as inferior. Gypsies and Jews, among others, suffered as such under Nazisim, which encouraged hatred towards the other through the educational system. Israeli society is being molded under the same patterns, in different manifestations, as it publicly acts against the Palestinian people who resist as they can against their extermination.

Israel's Sons of Hate

What makes a ten year old child wish to be a pilot and shoot missiles, or an adolescent to voice on social media their desire to set Arabs on fire?

A father teaches his son how to use a riffle in Kfar Darom, south to Gaza Strip

The murder of three Israeli children on June 12, 2014, in Hebron, fueled hatred toward Palestinians. Naturally, the Israeli army blamed the Palestinians, despite not having any evidence, and launched the "Brother's Guardian" operation to look for the children in the West Bank. Surprisingly, this turned into a new slaughter in Gaza.

Meanwhile, a Palestinian child was kidnapped by Jews, forced to drink gasoline and set on fire. This fact caused no reaction in the West.

An avalanche of tweets came after the murder of the Jewish children, expressing the worst of the human condition. Dozens of teenagers expressed on social media their hatred with the worst imaginable barbarisms.

The operation against Gaza began with Israeli F16 aircraft bombing the civilian population. Among the harrowing images of such devastation, other equally incredible images circulated showing Jews comfortably sitting on the hills ready to see the air offensive against the little that remains of Palestine.

What drives a human being to enjoy and live from a massacre as if it were a sporting event?

Israeli hatred against Arabs has been planted for decades, and has gone viral on social media. This is not new, social media only makes the hatred more apparent.

In 2012, the Israeli documentary filmmaker Itamar Rose, in an almost four minute video called "Israeli Kids in the Army's Museum," features children talking as experts about Israeli tanks, rifles and grenades; these children even fantasize about killing Arabs, while their parents proudly talk about how they have taught their children about weapons and their use.

Zionism creates cultural pressures for the population to ensure that future generations will perpetuate the chain of hate and guarantees a conflict that is presented as infinite.

Today, in its latest military operation against Gaza, Israel has killed more than 600 Palestinians, 70 percent of them unarmed civilians, according to the UN. Israel has attacked schools, hospitals, churches and mosques. Over 100,000 Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip have been displaced within the world's largest prison, since Margin Protector was launched on July 8.

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