Antonio Gutterres: Gaza is “The World’s Most Dangerous Place for Humanitarian Assistance,”

Session of the UN Security Council, Sept 27, 2024 Photo: @antonioguterres

September 27, 2024 Hour: 4:34 pm

The Gaza Strip, which has been in war for almost a year, is now “the world’s most dangerous place for humanitarian assistance,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Friday at a new session of the UN Security Council devoted to the conflict.

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He recalled that 225 of the humanitarian workers have been killed in the bombings, many with their families, and demanded an investigation into these events. ” The humanitarian system is hanging by a thread, “he said.

Despite all this, he stressed, “our colleagues continue to do their best to carry out their humanitarian mission”.

Guterres further explained that Israel has denied access or blocked the passage, in one way or another, of half of convoys or humanitarian missions, and has prevented 87% of movements between the north and south of the strip.

He also referred to attacks on UN personnel in Gaza, “personal or property” and demanded that Israel stop them, as well as “Stop disseminating information against UN personnel and entities (because) all parties must comply with their obligations to respect humanitarian personnel”.

Autor: OSG

Fuente: EFE

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