Argentine University Unions Continue National Strike

Delegation of the National Federation of University Students, June 5, 2024 Photo: @PrensaCONADU
June 6, 2024 Hour: 12:46 am
The measure is developed after the failure of the conversations developed with the Secretariat of Education, dependent on the Ministry of Human Capital.
Argentine university teachers continue on Wednesday the second day of the national strike in the face of the refusal of the Government of Javier Milei to reach a wage agreement.
The measure is developed after the failure of the conversations developed with the Secretariat of Education, dependent on the Ministry of Human Capital.
Although the Government had allocated a budget to public universities, that represented only 10 per cent of the total required by educational institutions for their operation.
The Ministry of Human Capital, headed by Sandra Pettovello, has not reached an agreement with the teaching unions.
48-hour strike at Universities due to salary improvements
The last offer presented by the Argentine government was an 8 percent increase during April, followed by another 9 percent in May, which is added to 16 percent granted in February and 12 percent in March.
Teachers’ unions rejected the proposal as insufficient in the face of accumulated inflation and are demanding a monthly wage pattern to not continue losing because of inflation; as well as the recovery of lost purchasing power, the updating of the salary guarantee, the restitution of the National Teaching Incentive Fund (Fonid) and funds for training.
The strike was replaced by the National Universities Union Front (FSUN), made up of the nation’s teaching and non-teaching federations, the university teachers organized in the National Federation of University Teachers (Conadu), Unión Docentes Argentinos (UDA).
Also from the Federation of University Teachers (Fedun), Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (Ctera), Union Front of National Universities (Fagdut) and Argentine Federation of National University Workers (Fatun).
Autor: CC
Fuente: Pagina 12