Argentines on National Strike Against Milei’s Education Policy

April 4, 2024 Hour: 11:11 am
On Thursday, thousands of school teachers and university professors carry out a national strike against President Javier Milei and his public education policies.
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More specifically, they demand the reopening of negotiations to set minimum salaries, the restitution of the National Teacher Incentive Fund (FONID), and the defense of the purchasing power of retirees’ pensions.
The national strike was called by the Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (CTERA) and the National Federation of University Teachers (CONADU).
With the support of the Central of Argentine Workers (CTA), teachers and professors led a march to the National Congress in Buenos Aires.
#URGENTE El plenario de mas de 450 delegados de ATE ( Asociación de Trabajadores del Estado) voto por unanimidad para este viernes 5 de abril un paro total en la administracion publica nacional con movilizacion al ministerio de economía ante la ola de despidos. @teleSURtv
— juan c. bartolotta (@juanbart)
April 3, 2024
The text reads, “In plenary session, over 450 delegates of the Association of State Workers (ATE) voted unanimously to reject the wave of layoffs and carry out a total strike and a march towards the Economy Ministry on Friday, April 5.”
“We are experiencing a fierce adjustment to public education,” CTERA Secretary Sonia Alesso said, adding that workers will also pay tribute to Carlos Fuentealba, a professor from the province of Neuquen who was murdered by a police officer with a grenade on April 4, 2007.
The teachers of Neuquen will carry out a march in rejection of the ‘criminalization of social protest’, the union leader pointed out, recalling that teachers have not received any salary increase despite the high inflation that prevails in Argentina.
This inflationary process has deepened since Milei allowed a 118 percent devaluation of the peso a few days after his arrival to the presidency.
#FromTheSouth News Bits | Argentina: Thousands of employees and former workers of the public sector mobilized in Buenos Aires and other cities in rejection of the massive layoffs ordered by the government of President Javier Milei, which has already laid off over 11,000 people.
— teleSUR English (@telesurenglish)
April 4, 2024
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Argentine Public Union Denounces Over 10,000 Layoffs
Autor: teleSUR/ JF
Fuente: Pagina 12