Bangladesh court investigates former PM Sheik Hasina for murder

Sheik Hasina, Former PM of Bangladesh, Aug 2024 Photo: @TheStatesmanLtd
August 13, 2024 Hour: 9:32 pm
During the mobilizations, more than 200 students and civilians protesting against Sheik Hasina were killed.
A Court is investigating former Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheik Hasina for the alleged murder of a citizen during the wave of violence in recent demonstrations in the country.
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The petition was filed by a citizen who claims that Bangladeshi politics is responsible for the 19 July murder, while also claiming that the general secretary of the Awami League party, Obaidul Quader, was complicit.
Similarly, they hold the police inspector general responsible during the term of office of Sheik Hasina and former Minister of Interior.
The protests in the Asian country no longer have only the repeal of the quota system, which states that 30 percent of public places are left in the hands of children of veterans of the Revolutionary War.
During the demonstrations, more than 250 students and civilians who were protesting against Sheik Hasina were killed.
In this context and under social pressure, the Bangladeshi Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina, resigned on Monday 5 August and left power amid protests.
Autor: OSG
Fuente: BBC