Bolivarian Armed Forces Comply With the TSJ Results About the 28J Elections

Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino, Aug 2024 Photo: Con El Mazo Dando

August 22, 2024 Hour: 5:04 pm

“Once again, the Venezuelan State, through its legitimate institutions, guarantees respect for the sovereign’s”

On Thursday, the Bolivarian Armed Forces of Venezuela issued a statement confirming the absolute results of the election process of July 28, given by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ).

Venezuelan Top Court Confirms Victory of President Maduro in the Elections of July 28

In the communiqué signed by the General of the Bolivarian Armed Forces and the Venezuelan Minister of Defence, Vladimir Padrino, the military’s adherence to the Constitution of the Republic is ratified and the undisputed victory of the Bolivarian people against the fascist right and the manifestations of hatred was highlighted.

“Once again, the Venezuelan State, through its legitimate institutions, guarantees respect for the sovereign’s political will and the preservation of peace and stability in the nation; which was tried to be altered by far-right fascist groups that intended to carry out a coup d’état, for which they resorted to violence and confrontation between compatriots, as well as terrorist acts, vandalism and cyber”, the letter said.

In the statement, the Venezuelan Armed Forces also stated: “Today we can also reaffirm that Venezuela is strengthened not only in its participatory and leading democracy, but also in its sovereignty and independence from insolent imperial interference”.

As a closing, the Armed Forces confirmed their loyalty to the president elected by the people, comrade Nicolas Maduro Moros, “while reaffirming the unwavering will to continue defending the inalienable rights of the Venezuelan people, such as life, peace and its integral development,” the statement said.

“We affirm our absolute loyalty to the citizen Nicolás Maduro Moros, Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, our Commander-in-Chief, re-elected by the People’s Power, legitimately proclaimed by the Electoral Power and now ratified by the highest court of justice in the country, for the next presidential term 2025-2031”, it is assured in the note.

Autor: CC

Fuente: teleSURtv

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