Bolivia Sends Humanitarian Aid After Floods in Brazil

May 21, 2024 Hour: 7:44 pm
The Government of Bolivia delivered 70 tons of humanitarian aid to Brazil on Tuesday to help families affected by the floods.
Defense Minister Edmundo Novillo said at Viru Viru airport:”Brazil had to mourn the loss of human lives, lost materials, productive areas, generating an emergency situation and a very difficult situation for the people of the southern part of Brazil”.
“We have understood the mandate of our president Luis Arce and commitment among peoples. We are a small country, but we have a caring heart,” he said.
Novillo stressed: “After knowing the situation that the brother people of Brazil were going through, our president has contacted the president of Brazil, Brother Lula da Silva, to let him know all his feelings of solidarity and support”.
����������Nuestra solidaridad con los hermanos de Brasil. #AyudaHumanitaria
#ministeriodedefensa #solidaridad
— Ministerio de Defensa (@mindefbolivia)
May 15, 2024
����������Nuestra solidaridad con los hermanos de Brasil. #AyudaHumanitaria
#ministeriodedefensa #solidaridad— Ministerio de Defensa (@mindefbolivia)
May 15, 2024
The text reads,
Our solidarity with our brothers in Brazil.
“That is why it has been decided in Cabinet (…) to be able to send our support, our solidarity as a Bolivian people,” he added.
The aid, delivered to the Brazilian consul in Bolivia, Artur Saravia, who thanked the gesture of the Bolivians, consists of non-perishable foods such as rice, sugar, milk powder, oil, water, beans, as well as canvas tents, blankets, field store, diapers, mattresses among others.
Saravia stressed that the floods in southern Brazil are of biblical proportions and stated that they are not yet over.
The Brazilian diplomat said “I saw not only the anonymous heroism of so many people who risked their lives to save strangers, but also the immense generosity of the Bolivian people in the difficult tasks of reconstruction (…). In this sad moment, while the dead are still counted, I witness again the great generosity of the Bolivians who extend their hands to the Brazilian brothers”.
According to the Brazilian Civil Defense, the floods that hit the south of the country left around 161 dead, 127 disappeared, 806 injured, and nearly 464 affected municipalities, also remain in temporary shelters 72,561 people.
UPDATE: Floods Death in Brazil Toll Rises to 155
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Autor: teleSUR/ CC
Fuente: abi-mindef