Brazil Declares Emergency for Drought in the Amazon Region of Manaos

Traces of the Drought in Brazil, Sept 2024 Photo: EFE

September 12, 2024 Hour: 9:55 pm

The state of emergency begins on Monday, 16 September with the delivery of basic supplies.

Brazilian authorities in Manaus, capital of the state of Amazonas, declared an emergency situation due to the drought affecting the Rio Negro and are implementing confrontational actions.

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The state of emergency begins on Monday, September 16 with the first phase of Operation Drought, fulfilling the provisions of Decree 5,983, with the delivery of basic supplies baskets and food kits for families in communities of the Negro and Amazon rivers.

At least 7,700 families, representing almost 25,000 people in 93 communities along the river in the capital will benefit.

The first phase of the exercise will reach 43 communities in the Rio Negro, between Tarumã Mirim and Apuaú, with the distribution of supplies and hygiene kits. In general, more than 14,000 basic food baskets, 500,000 two-litre water bottles, 39,000 litres of petrol and 46,000 litres of diesel will be sent to these locations.

Two Family Health Units (USFF) will be set up at the base of the Negro and Amazonas rivers to serve communities, as well as ten rural units that will support health centers.

Local authorities plan to access more resources from the federal government to address environmental phenomena and provide for communities.

The state of Amazonas had already declared a state of emergency in Manaus and 62 other municipalities last August.

The city of Manaus is located on the banks of the Amazon River, at the confluence of the Solimões and Negro rivers, which together form the most powerful river in the world.

However, the Negro River currently has a flow of 16.9 meters, below its historical average, and is expected to continue declining until October; while the rainy season does not begin until the month of November.

Autor: CC

Fuente: EFE-Sputnik