BRICS Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting Takes Place in Russia

Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Yvan Gil in Russia, June 9, 2024. Photo: X/ @mfa_russia

June 10, 2024 Hour: 9:46 am

This meeting will serve as a preamble to the BRICS presidential summit to be held in October

On Monday and Tuesday, the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod will host the meeting of foreign affairs ministers of the BRICS member countries.


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Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov arrived in the city to lead a meeting in which diplomats such as Hakan Fidan (Türkiye), Bruno Rodriguez (Cuba), and Yvan Gil (Venezuela) will also be present. They were received with bread and salt according to Russian tradition.

“In line with the BRICS objectives, we bring the contributions of the Venezuelan people to support the creation of a more equitable and multipolar world,” Gil said, highlighting that his arrival in the Russian city was carried out at the instruction of the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

Russian diplomacy announced that the meeting of BRICS foreign ministers will serve as a preamble to the BRICS presidential summit to be held in the city of Kazan in October.

“During the upcoming meetings, the parties plan to discuss current issues of international relations, international agenda, improvement of the global governance system with emphasis on strengthening the role of developing countries, conflict resolution, and interaction in leading multilateral platforms,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

The meeting in Kazan city will also be attended by representatives of regional integration agreements such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Association of Southeast Asian Nation, the Regional Cooperation Association of the Indian Ocean Rim Countries, the African Union, and the League of Arab States.

This is the first meeting of foreign ministers since the expansion of the BRICS in 2023. Currently, the full members of this association are Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Iran, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia . Thirty countries have announced their interest in participating in the BRICS under various modalities.

Sources: TASS- RT

teleSUR/ JF

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