China and Russia Welcome More Countries to Join BRICS

Chinese FM Wang Yi (L) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (R), Sept. 12, 2024. X/ @cgtnturk

September 12, 2024 Hour: 9:07 am

At the St. Petersburg meeting, President Putin confirmed that 34 countries want to join the BRICS in one way or another.

On Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Affairs Minister Wang Yi confirmed that his country and Russia are working together to shape a new multipolar world order.


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“China and Russia have become the most important driving forces of the multipolarization process in the world,” he told Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with high representatives of the BRICS states on security issues.

He also confirmed that China welcomes more like-minded partners from the Global South to join the BRICS, an economic cooperation bloc which was initially made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

At the St. Petersburg meeting, Putin said that 34 countries want to join the BRICS in one way or another. This could be formalised at the summit to be held in Kazan in October, when the members of this bloc will discuss the format through which the new members will participate in the group.

Wang pointed out that China supports BRICS in opening its doors for cooperation and invites more like-minded Global South partners to join the BRICS family to jointly promote open development, global governance and mutual understanding among civilizations.

The international security situation is becoming more complex, with non-traditional security concerns arising one after the other. People around the world have a stronger desire for peace and security, as well as an urgent appeal for unity and collaboration, Wang stated.

At a press conference on Monday, Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said that China will seek to “work with its partners to consolidate the BRICS strategic partnership and further enrich the content of cooperation in political and security matters.”

He said the cause of world peace and development requires the support and cooperation of all progressive forces. Since the start of the new century, the Global South has grown in strength. This is the trend of historical development and the hope for a century of change.

Wang called on the countries of the Global South to take the initiative and commit themselves to contributing to building a world of lasting peace and universal security. In that regard, China proposes that its Southern partners continue to engage in dialogue and cooperation, consolidate the foundation for development, promote solidarity and mutual assistance, and demonstrate openness and inclusiveness.

Wang said that China has always been a natural member of the Global South. China will always stand firmly with the Global South countries to jointly defend international fairness and justice and promote world peace and development.

teleSUR/ JF Source: Xinhua – EFE