China To Keep Strategic and Long-Term Ties With Venezuela

Foreign Affairs Ministers Yvan Gil (L) and Wang Yi (R). Photo: X/ @SpokespersonCHN
June 5, 2024 Hour: 4:34 pm
The Chinese nation is willing to help Venezuela accelerate its industrialization process, Wang said.
On Wednesday, Chinese Diplomat Wang Yi received Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Yvan Gil, to whom he conveyed that China will develop its ties with the Bolivarian nation from a “strategic height” and a “long-term perspective.”
Venezuela and China Tune in Their Bilateral Agenda
Gil stated that the permanent strategic partnership between Venezuela and China “has maintained steady development and has become a model for relations between countries.”
Wang recalled that in September 2023, Presidents Xi Jinping and Nicolas Maduro agreed to elevate bilateral relations to the category of “All-Weather and All-Time Strategic Partnership.” He also highlighted that China is a “good friend, partner, and comrade” of Venezuela and will unwaveringly develop bilateral ties “from a strategic height and a long-term perspective.”
“We will firmly oppose any external interference or intimidating behavior against Venezuela. Beijing supports Caracas’ efforts to safeguard its national sovereignty and dignity and to follow a development path that suits its national conditions,” the Chinese Foreign Affairs Minister said.
Wang expressed his support for Venezuela to play “a more important role in the world, especially in Latin America,” and noted that the oil-rich country “has always supported China on issues involving its fundamental interests and major concerns.”
“China is willing to further expand bilateral trade and cooperation to help Venezuela accelerate its industrialization process,” he emphasized, highlighting that China and Venezuela should work closely in international fields to face global challenges.
“Latin American and Caribbean countries are an important part of the Global South, and their collective rise is a natural consequence of changes that have been taking place since the last century. China sincerely hopes that Latin American countries adhere to unity, cooperation, independence, and autonomy,” Wang stated.
For his part, Gil said that China’s development achievements are “a great encouragement for Venezuela and other countries of the Global South.”
“Venezuela is one of China’s best partners in Latin America. Venezuela has always firmly adhered to the principle of one China and has always provided firm support to China on issues related to its fundamental interests, such as sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he said.
Gil stated that the Bolivarian nation hopes to deepen cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, science and technology, agriculture, energy, infrastructure, aerospace, and humanities, and that Venezuela “greatly appreciates China’s adherence to fairness and justice in international affairs.”
“We will communicate and cooperate closely with China to promote the continuous development of relations between Latin America and China and to jointly safeguard multilateralism and the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, jointly opposing hegemony and illegal unilateral sanctions,” he asserted.
In recent months, Venezuela has announced several agreements with China, the most recent of which was an agreement for the promotion and reciprocal protection of investments. This instrument includes a regulatory framework that will facilitate Chinese investments in the Caribbean country and the participation of Venezuelan companies in the Asian giant.
During his stay in China, Gil will also celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, which were strengthened during the era of the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (1999-2013).
Sources: EFE – FAM
teleSUR/ JF