Classes Suspended for Forest Fires in Toledo, Belize

May 20, 2024 Hour: 9:23 pm

Following heavy environmental pollution from forest fires that have caused poor air quality, the Belize Ministry of Education decreed the suspension of classes as a preventive measure in the Toledo district.


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The measure includes “all schools in the district of Toledo”, although it does not rule out the probability “that more demarcations put that provision into effect”.

This decision is given due to the persistent heat that causes the atmosphere to be charged with toxic smoke caused by “fires that burn uncontrollably in their territory”.

Local Belizean media, echoing the measure taken by the entity, referred to the suspension of school activities is necessary, cataloguing -as the Ministry- the affectations as “severe”.

The Belizean meteorological authorities have issued “extreme heat” warnings on more than one occasion.

Meanwhile, the health sector agencies of the Latin American country had a plan of recommendations aimed at the population “to avoid victims due to the climate situation”.

This panorama is intensified by a column of dust from the Sahara desert, which causes an increase in temperatures and pollution.

Autor: teleSUR/ CC

Fuente: breakingnewsbelize