Colombian President Denounces Coup D’éTat Against Democracy and Social Justice

Colombian president Gustavo Petro. Stock image. Photo: EFE

September 8, 2024 Hour: 1:46 pm

Colombia’s president Gustavo Petro have denounced that a coup d’état is underway against him by the actions undertaken by the Electoral Council (CE) to suspend him from office and to avoid any process of transformation in the country which serves the interests of the historically dispossessed majorities.


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Months ago, the EC launched an investigation alleging that Petro’s campaign exceeded the maximum allowed spending and received funds from prohibited sources, which the Colombian president emphatically rejects.

Through his official account in X the head of state claimed that by means of a document from a consultation room of the Council of State, which has no binding force, the electoral entity stripped him of the constitutional right which protect him.

“I do not accept that through a document from a Council of State consultation room which has no binding force, the Electoral Council has stripped me of the full constitutional forum that protects me,” said the head of state.

It is clear that the @CNE_COLOMBIA with its allies in the Congress of the Republic will try to remove the president @petrogustavo from office in these three months. Now, if they do not like Francia Márquez either, what figure are they going to invent? It is also clear that the far right wants to kill Petro and has even sought a way to do so through poisoning to create the narrative of an overdose of hallucinogenic substances. They don’t rest. Stand up People power the streets have the power.

Petro recalled that the “Constitution does not allow a purely administrative and political body such as the electoral council to pave the way for suspending the president from his duties for an investigation into limits over which it had no jurisdiction other than the 30 days following the election.”

The investigation is being conducted by judge Benjamín Ortiz, of the Liberal Party, and Álvaro Hernán, of the Democratic Centre, a party of former president Álvaro Uribe, for which reason Petro denounces that this is an act of possible coup d’état, not simple investigations.

Faced with the danger of coup and an anti-democratic regression, social organizations and trade unions with a long tradition of struggle, such as the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), the Comando Nacional Unitario (CNU) and the Coordinadora Nacional para el Cambio (CNPC), they have already convened a National Assembly.

This will take place on 14 and 15 September and will be used to organize, on 19 September, a massive national mobilization, with epicenter in the Plaza de Bolivar, to reject the coup d’état and repudiate its protagonists.

Autor: ACJ


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