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Italy's Far-Right Giorgia Meloni Prepares Her Cabinet

  • Giorgia Meloni, Oct. 21, 2022.

    Giorgia Meloni, Oct. 21, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/ @POLITICOEurope

Published 21 October 2022

Antonio Tajani and Matteo Salvini will be vice presidents in the first government led by a woman in the history of this European country.

On Friday, the leader of the far-right Brothers of Italy (FdI), Giorgia Meloni, who won the Sept. 25 elections, agreed to form a government together with Matteo Salvini's The Ligue and Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia.


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President Sergio Mattarella on Saturday will swear in a cabinet made up of 25 members, two vice presidents, 24 ministers, and a presidential undersecretary.

The Meloni administration is expected to include Antonio Tajani, a vice president in charge of foreign affairs and international cooperation, and Matteo Salvini, as the vice president who will be in charge of infrastructure and sustainable mobility.

The conservative leader will also be accompanied by politicians such as Matteo Piantedosi (Ministry of the Interior), Carlo Nordio (Ministry of Justice), Guido Crosetto (Ministry of Defense), and Giancarlo Giorgetti (Ministry of Economy).

Other figures who will work with Giorgia Meloni are Adolfo Urso (Ministry of Business), Francesco Lollobrigida (Ministry of Agriculture), Paolo Zangrillo (Ministry of Environment), and Daniela Santanche (Ministry of Tourism).

The video shows Daniela Santanche, a senator of the "Brothers of Italy" party and Meloni's future minister of tourism. The tweet reads, "I proudly say I'm a fascist, if fascist means expelling illegal immigrants. Then the chorus "Duce, Duce" and fascist salutes are heard."

Meloni is a 45-year-old Roman politician who seized power after establishing herself as the sole opposition to outgoing Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who led a "national unity" coalition formed to tackle the pandemic since 2021.

According to the usual procedure, her cabinet will undergo the investiture in the Senate and the Lower House next week. These political events, however, will be mere formalities since the right-wing coalition has a comfortable majority to govern.

Meanwhile, to reassure the international community, Meloni announced that her government will maintain Italy's commitment to Europe, to the Atlantic Alliance, and to Ukraine.

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