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News > Brazil

President Lula Visits Yanomami Indigenous Community

  • The Yanomami indigenous reserve is the largest in Brazil and suffers from a lack of medical attention to its population, which suffers from child malnutrition and malaria. Jan. 21, 01, 2023.

    The Yanomami indigenous reserve is the largest in Brazil and suffers from a lack of medical attention to its population, which suffers from child malnutrition and malaria. Jan. 21, 01, 2023. | Photo: Twitter: @fps5000

Published 21 January 2023

The objective is to monitor the malnutrition situation of community children in the state and elaborate an action plan to eradicate the problem.

This Saturday the president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, travels to Roraima, to visit the Yanomami people, whose objective is to monitor the situation of malnutrition of community children in the state and elaborate an action plan to eradicate the problem.


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Lula informed through social networks: "We received information about the absurd situation of malnutrition of Yanomami children in Roraima. Tomorrow I will travel to the state to offer the support of the Federal Government and together with our ministers we will work to guarantee the lives of the Yanomami children."

On a social network, Lula commented on the trip to Roraima. "Good morning. I arrive this morning in Boa Vista and will visit the indigenous hospital and the Indigenous Health Support House, where I will talk to health professionals and the Yanomami people. We will join efforts to guarantee life and overcome this crisis."

As part of the Government's actions to assist the indigenous community, a national coordination committee was created to fight malnutrition, according to an extra edition of the Official Gazette published on Friday night.

The declaration of sanitary emergency was signed by the Minister of Health, Nísia Trindade, who will also set up a public health emergency operations center to "plan, organize, coordinate and control" the measures to be taken to solve the situation.

The action plan must be submitted within 45 days, and the committee will operate for 90 days, which may be extended.

The Yanomami indigenous reserve is the largest in Brazil and suffers from a lack of medical attention to its population, which suffers from child malnutrition and malaria.

Traveling with Lula will be Ministers Wellington Dias (Social Development), Nísia Trindade (Health) Sonia Guajajara (Indigenous Peoples) Flávio Dino (Justice) José Mucio (Defense) Silvio Almeida (Human Rights) Márcio Macêdo (Secretary General) General Gonçalves Dias (Office of Institutional Security) and the commander of the Air Force, Marcelo Kanitz Damasceno.

In the delegation should also participate the governor of Roraima, Antonio Denarium (PP) , and the Secretary of Indigenous Health of the Ministry of Health, Weibe Tapeba.

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