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Brazil and FAO Sign Cooperation Agreements

  • The Director-General of the FAO Qu Dongyu, was received today at the Itamaraty Palace by Minister Mauro Vieira. Sep. 12, 2023.

    The Director-General of the FAO Qu Dongyu, was received today at the Itamaraty Palace by Minister Mauro Vieira. Sep. 12, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@ItamaratyGovBr

Published 12 September 2023

Among the agreements signed this Tuesday between Brazil and FAO is one to promote inclusive and sustainable development in the Amazon, for the socio-productive inclusion of traditional or more vulnerable populations, the reduction of social inequalities and the eradication of poverty in the region.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of Brazil signed on Tuesday a series of agreements to promote food and nutritional security, inclusive development and preservation of the Amazon, and South-South cooperation.


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On the second day of a three-day visit to the South American country, General Manager Qu Dongyu said he was enthusiastic about the partnership with Brazil and the prospects for the fight against hunger and poverty in the world.

During the signing ceremony of the agreements at the Itamaraty Palace, the Brazilian Foreign Ministry in Brasilia,  Qu Dongyu said that "Brazil has much to share and a noble mission in the coming years. We will work together as a great team for this global mission. I wish you all the best and thank you for this partnership."

At the side of Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira, Qu recalled that this September 12 marks the United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation, stressing that South-South cooperation is the key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The tweet reads, "FAO further consolidates cooperation with Brazil through agreements with SUDAM, BNDES and SEBRAE, which reinforce our joint commitment to a more prosperous future. Brazil will also count on FAO's support during our presidency of the G20 in 2024. @FAOBrasil #G20Brasil."

Qu and Vieira signed a letter of intent to create a South-South Cooperation Center, with a special focus on exchanges aimed at food and nutrition security.

The Center will be named after Josué de Castro, the Brazilian physician and sociologist and author of books such as Geography of Hunger and Geopolitics of Hunger. Josué de Castro chaired FAO's Executive Council in the early 1950s.

The Center will aim to support trilateral South-South cooperation among countries of the Global South, particularly between Brazil and partners in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean and the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP).

The initiative will pay "special attention to the fight against hunger and all forms of malnutrition and the promotion of sustainable tropical agriculture, with emphasis on low-carbon agriculture and socio-bioeconomics."

Qu highlighted the great potential of the South American country to contribute to global food security and support other countries through South-South and Triangular Cooperation, particularly in tropical areas.

He also noted that Brazil will have a great opportunity to place food and agricultural issues at the top of the international agenda during its pro tempore presidency of the G20 in 2024.

In this regard, he said that FAO is ready to support the Brazilian presidency of the G20 to be supportive, visionary, meaningful and effective in terms of the fight against hunger and poverty.

Among the agreements signed this Tuesday between Brazil and FAO is one to promote inclusive and sustainable development in the Amazon, for the socio-productive inclusion of traditional or more vulnerable populations, the reduction of social inequalities and the eradication of poverty in the region.

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