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Venzuela: Remains of General Domingo Sifontes Exhumed for Transfer to the National Pantheon

  • On Tuesday, January 9, the remains of General Domingo Antonio Sifontes will arrive at the National Assembly (AN), where a special session will be held and, later, there will be a march to the National Pantheon.

    On Tuesday, January 9, the remains of General Domingo Antonio Sifontes will arrive at the National Assembly (AN), where a special session will be held and, later, there will be a march to the National Pantheon. | Photo: Madelein Garcia

Published 6 January 2024

Sifontes is recognized for the feat he carried out on January 2, 1895, when he prevented a group of Britons, from attempting to take control of El Callao, Upata, Tumeremo and El Dorado, at the time of raising an English flag to subtract precious minerals.

This Saturday, January 6, the exhumation of the remains of the Venezuelan patriot General Domingo Antonio Sifontes takes place at the Municipal Cemetery of Tumeremo, in the state of Bolívar, in order to highlight the historical heritage of the Venezuelan general who expelled the English who tried to occupy another part of the national territory, after usurping the Guayana Esequiba.


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On Tuesday, January 9, the remains of General Domingo Antonio Sifontes will arrive at the National Assembly (AN), where a special session will be held and, later, there will be a march to the National Pantheon to rest with other heroes with the corresponding honors.

"We will award the highest military and popular honors to General Domingo Antonio Sifontes, who from today begins his heroic journey from Tumeremo to the altar of the heroes of the Homeland, the National Pantheon:" said President Nicolás Maduro in his X account.

On December 28, President Nicolás Maduro ordered a defensive action in the Atlantic Ocean in response to the deployment of a British warship in waters to be delimited with Guyana. In the face of this British aggression against Venezuela, the head of state recalled the courage of the "Terror of the English" and named the Joint Action Exercise of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) as "Domingo Antonio Sifontes 2023".

In that sense, President Nicolás Maduro reiterated that the values of General Domingo Antonio Sifontes remain present and, for that reason, his remains will be transferred to the National Pantheon. In addition, on January 2 marked 129 years of the expulsion of the British invasion of the Cuyuní River, a feat led by General Sifontes.

Sifontes is recognized for the feat he carried out on January 2, 1895, when he prevented a group of Britons under the command of his police inspector, Douglas Barnes, from attempting to take control of El Callao, Upata, Tumeremo and El Dorado, at the time of raising an English flag to subtract precious minerals, Balata and cattle.

In reaction, Domingo Antonio Sifontes ordered his staff to recover the settlement and managed to remove the intruders, depriving Barnes of his liberty and transferring him to Ciudad Bolívar. For this act of embergardura, he was declared Hero and Defender of National Sovereignty.

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