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News > Egypt

Egypt to Report to ICJ on Israeli Occupation

  • Egipto es uno de los países que presentará argumentos ante la CIJ sobre las 'prácticas ilegales' de Israel en la Palestina ocupada.

    Egipto es uno de los países que presentará argumentos ante la CIJ sobre las 'prácticas ilegales' de Israel en la Palestina ocupada. | Photo: @ShaykhSulaiman

Published 18 February 2024

On Monday, the ICJ will begin public hearings involving more than 50 nations to issue a non-binding legal opinion on Israeli actions in the occupied Palestinian territory.

On Wednesday, February 21, a memorandum outlining Israel’s practices in the occupied Palestinian territories will be presented by the Egyptian government to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), according with the information revealed by a high-ranking Egyptian source to Al Qahera News.


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''Egypt would participate in the advisory opinion requested by the General Assembly from the International Court of Justice on Israel's practices in the Palestinian territories since 1967,'' quoted the Egyptian press agency.

On Monday, the ICJ will begin public hearings involving more than 50 nations to issue a non-binding legal opinion on Israeli actions in the occupied Palestinian territory.

The Egyptian government spokesman, Dia Rashwan, recalled that the North African country has submitted two reports in The Hague on breaches of international law by the Israeli occupation.

In this sense, the government spokesman specified that "discrimination against Palestinians in flagrant opposition to International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights" is among the points of the report.

In turn, Rashwan noted that Cairo will call for the withdrawal of Zionist troops from the occupied Palestinian territories, including Jerusalem, while stressing the need for compensation for the damage caused to the Palestinian people.


ICJ Egypt Gaza
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