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News > Palestine

Eight Patients Died at the Kidnapped Nasser Medical Complex

  • Bodies in decomposition being moved by Nasser personnel. Feb. 21, 2024.

    Bodies in decomposition being moved by Nasser personnel. Feb. 21, 2024. | Photo: X / @Agencia_Sana

Published 21 February 2024

Israel refuses to allow the entrance of medical help and supplys to the palestinians trapped in the complex.

Eight patients died due to lack of oxygen supply at the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Yunis, kidnaped by the occupation forces. The bodies of the deceased remain in their beds alongside other patients.


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The Palestinian Ministry of Health reported that the corpses are swollen and in a state of putrefaction. The condition of the corpses represents a health emergency in Nasser and a biological risk.

These dead patients add to the number of deaths due to the impossibility of obtaining medical help as well as food and water supplies.

After 24 hours the Israelis forces commited 11 massacres and left a balance of 118 deads and 163 wounded.

The Ministry also reported that the number of victims in the Gaza Strip has risen to 29,313 dead and 69,333 injured.

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