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News > Argentina

State Workers Strike and Protest Against Layoffs

  • Movilizations protagonized by the ATE, April 5, 2024

    Movilizations protagonized by the ATE, April 5, 2024 | Photo: X/ @ATECapitalOk

Published 5 April 2024

State employees, led by the head of the ATE, Rodolfo Aguiar, will take over ministries and public buildings, resulting in a crossing with the Argentine police forces.

The State Workers' Association (ATE) led a general strike and stopped activities led by state workers from different companies. The demonstrators are calling on the Ministry of Economy for the mass layoffs.


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State employees, led by the head of the ATE, Rodolfo Aguiar, will take over ministries and public buildings, resulting in a crossing with the Argentine police forces.

In social networks, Aguiar declared, "As much as they try to frighten, instill fear and repress, the state will not stop fighting. It is you who are violent, who rule against the constitution, with your back to Congress and harming all the people".

During noon, the column of ATE workers was limited by a large number of troops, belonging to the security forces, in the space of the square in May.

 The text reads, VERY SERIOUS AND UNDEMOCRATIC!! BUT WE ARE NOT AFRAID OF THEM!! No matter how much they try to terrify, instill fear and repress, we state officials are not going to stop fighting. You are the violent ones, those who govern against the constitution, with your back to Congress and harming all the people!

The Secretary General of the ATE, Rodolfo Aguiar, demanded the list of "ñoquis" (workers who occupy a position and receive a salary without performing any task) and also assured that, if the state does not provide the above list, will have to pay wages to the dismissed workers.

On the other hand, the head of Truckers and co-secretary general of the Central General of Workers (CGT), Pablo Moyano, threatened a new national strike for this Monday if the government does not approve the last wage agreement that the union agreed with the workers: "There’s not going to be a leaf moving around the country," he said.

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