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Caricom Concerned About Escalating Conflicts in the Middle East

  • Israel has said it will respond to Iran's attack. Apr. 15, 2024.

    Israel has said it will respond to Iran's attack. Apr. 15, 2024. | Photo: X/@kamalrajsingh_

Published 15 April 2024

Apart from Caricom, other governments and organizations around the world spoke out after Iran's attack on Israel with dozens of drones and missiles, in reaction to the bombing of the Tehran consulate in Syria that killed 11 people.

On Monday, the Caribbean Community (Caricom) insisted on avoiding destabilization in the Middle East and protecting world peace in the face of worsening conflicts, with Iran's response to Israel's bombing of the consulate in Syria.


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A communiqué from the bloc's Council on Foreign Relations deplored the latest developments in the region, called for urgent action by the international community, and emphasized the consequences of military incursions for the security of the entire world.

It demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities between Iran and Israel and called on both sides to refrain from taking further steps to exacerbate tensions and to stick to dialogue to resolve differences.

It also called on the UN Security Council to work for an end to the conflict and to bring humanitarian assistance to the victims.

Iran's attack on Israel with dozens of drones and missiles came in reaction to the bombing of the Tehran consulate in Syria that killed 11 people.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said on Monday that the Islamic Republic's move was a necessary and proportionate measure due to the irresponsible behavior of Israel and the West.

At a press conference, he assured that his country does not want more tension in the region and that the action against Tel Aviv was self-defense and retaliation against its aggressions.

According to Kanaani, the attack was professional, logical and responsible, while Tehran's representative to the UN, Amir Said Iravani, declared that it was carried out within the framework of self-defense permitted by international law and only focused on military targets to avoid civilian casualties.

He said Iran exercised patience for a long time, but the time has come to hold Israel accountable for its crimes and called on the Security Council to apply Chapter VII sanctions against Tel Aviv for not respecting its resolutions.

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