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News > Palestine

Netanyahu Bypasses International Justice: President Maduro

  • Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, May 27, 2024.

    Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, May 27, 2024. | Photo: X/ @NicolasMaduro

Published 28 May 2024

The Venezuelan leader criticized the U.S. silence in the face of Benjamin Netanyahu's atrocities.

On Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said that Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bypasses the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and bombs Muslim and Christian children.


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"Netanyahu is our era's Herod. And what does the United States say? And what does Europe say? They are silent. A genocidal silence... This is one of the most terrible genocides that humanity has experienced since Hitler's time," he said.

During the 47th edition of the program "With Maduro +," the Bolivarian leader spoke with the Spanish political scientist Juan Carlos Monedero, who noted that although Spain is willing to recognize the Palestinian state, his country is also complicit in the Gaza genocide because it sells weapons to the Israeli occupation forces.

“The presidents of Spain, Germany or France have everything in their power to end this horror but they do not do it. That makes them complicit in all these murders,” Monedero stressed.

President Maduro highlighted that Europeans are surpassing their governments as they demonstrate their solidarity with Palestine and its cause.

“The mobilizations in favor of peace for the Palestinian people developed in Spain have been impressive,” he said, and commented on the decline of neo-colonialist projects.

“Europe has a tremendous task: defeat the far-right and fascism, which are emerging in a very dangerous way and threatening European society,” the Venezuelan president stated.

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