Court Orders for Assault on Planalto Palace and Other Powers in Brazil

Federal Police in the Scene of the attack in the Palacio del Planalto, 2023 Photo: @_infoLibre
June 20, 2024 Hour: 10:46 pm
It is estimated that the value of damage to public property could reach R$40 million.
The Federal Police of Brazil, at the launch of the 28 phase Operation Lesa Pátria, reported on Thursday that 27 court orders were issued (15 search and seizure orders and 12 personal records) in various Brazilian states as part of the investigation following the assault on buildings known as the Three Powers in January 2023.
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These orders were issued by the Federal Supreme Court in the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul and Santa Catarina. In this sense, the official note stressed that the unavailability of assets and values of those investigated was determined.
“This operation aims to identify the people who financed and promoted the events that occurred on 8/01/2023, in Brasilia/DF, when the Palacio del Planalto, the National Congress and the Federal Supreme Court were invaded by individuals who perpetrated acts of violence and widespread damage against the property, furniture and objects of these institutions,” the Federal Police said.
Likewise, they insisted that it is estimated that the value of the damage caused to public property could reach R$40 million.
They also specified that “the facts investigated constitute, in theory, the crimes of violent abolition of the Democratic State under the rule of law, coup d’état, qualified damage, association to commit crimes, instigation of crime, destruction and deterioration or destruction of specially protected property”.
According to the entity, Operation Lesa Pátria is permanent, with regular updates on the number of court orders executed and persons captured.
Autor: CC
Fuente: @LemusteleSUR