Cuba: 85% of Havana city already has electric service

Photo: Radio Reloj
November 10, 2024 Hour: 2:12 pm
The Cuban Electric Union (UNE) announced this Sunday that the recovery of the electric system in the capital city, Havana, is at 85 percent.
After the passage of Hurricane Rafael, the power lines were affected for several days, and currently there are still Cuban homes and institutions that do not have electricity, which also causes problems with the water supply.
The Cuban company that provides service to the entire country, indicated that the greatest damage was reported in the municipalities of Playa, Plaza de la Revolución, Cerro, La Lisa and Arroyo Naranjo.
Meanwhile, of the twelve vital water supply sources in the city, at this time, six of them already have electric service.
It reported that currently seven contingents from other Cuban provinces operate in the capital, Granma, Holguín, Las Tunas, Santi Spíritus, Camagüey, Matanzas and Santiago de Cuba.
In a working session of the Provincial Defense Council on Saturday, November 9, authorities reported that 72 processing offices distributed throughout all municipalities for the recovery of housing in Havana have been opened, and that up to then 857 damages had been removed.
Until then, 1,054 damages to the real estate infrastructure were reported, with 33 total collapses and 38 partial ones.
For its part, Aguas de La Habana, the company that supplies the water service, reported that 41 percent of the clients already had water supply, either through networks or pipes. Likewise, they announced that two teams from the South Basin of the city had to be removed due to humidity, but would be reinstalled this Sunday.
They announced that next Monday an intentional recovery of the province’s organoponic gardens will begin in order to increase the agricultural production that is so needed by the population, which has seen much of its food spoil due to the lack of refrigeration.
Autor: MFD
Fuente: teleSUR-Cubadebate