Cuba Expresses Its Fraternal Support to the Haitian People

March 15, 2024 Hour: 4:25 pm

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba (MINREX) made a statement in support of the Haitian people.


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The statement says: “The Republic of Haiti is facing a serious multidimensional crisis that has worsened social instability, poverty and structural underdevelopment resulting from centuries of colonial and neocolonial pillaging and foreign interventions”.

The Cuban Foreign Ministry also reviewed the fraternal relations that unite the two nations by declaring: “Cuba has offered fraternal and selfless cooperation to Haiti in areas of great impact for its people, such as public health, education, agriculture, sports, energy, water resources and others that are key to the social and economic stability of the country”.

“The Haitian people appreciate and recognize the humanitarian, selfless and altruistic service offered by Cuban cooperation workers amidst the difficult circumstances in which they have always had to carry out their work,” the chancellery added.

Cuba also denounced attempts to interfere in the resolution of the crisis, “Haiti needs true and sufficient assistance and cooperation for its reconstruction and progress, without foreign interference, because far from being a solution, this has been the cause of its problems”.

The Foreign Ministry also reported on the status of the 53 health workers who remain in southern Haiti and referred to the staff of the Cuban embassy in the Haitian capital, stating:  “are doing well and have adopted all necessary measures to ensure their security and protection”.

“Through our embassy in Port-au-Prince and from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there is also continued communication with the Cubans residing in Haiti or who are in-transit in that country as well as their relatives, and there is a permanent follow up on the situation there”, add the note.

The letter ends with the message, “The brother people of Haiti will always be able to count on Cuba’s fraternal support”.

Autor: teleSUR/ CC

Fuente: cubaminrex