Delcy Rodríguez Praises Large Turnout in Electoral Drill

Venezuela’s Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, June 30, 2024 Photo: @contrapuntovzla
June 30, 2024 Hour: 5:13 pm
On July 28, a total of ten candidates for the Presidency of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will be on the ballot.
Venezuela’s Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez said this Sunday, ahead of the elections on 28 July, that the democratic and popular vote is the only way to ensure the country’s stability.
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The vice-president highlighted the high turnout of the Venezuelan people in the mock elections. “We are seeing queues everywhere, especially in the popular sectors where we are seeing the greatest affluence and participation,” she said from the Liceo Pedro Emilio Coll in Caracas.
Rodríguez celebrated the broad participation and diversity of “such a perfect, armored electoral system, which is the guarantee for all candidates, that the voter knows that his or her vote is safe.”
In this regard, Rodríguez showed full confidence in the development of the 28 July elections, “Our machinery is going very well, we are doing very well, this is the way, the way is the exercise of the vote.”
Likewise, the vice president called for respect for the electoral process, which is the best option for preserving national harmony. “Venezuela’s plan is to exercise the vote, democracy, peace and tranquility,” she said.
In addition, she said that the Electoral Power allows “honoring the legacy of our father Liberator Simón Bolívar” and ensuring the “care of sovereignty, self-determination and independence.”
On July 28, a total of ten candidates for the Presidency of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will be on the ballot.