Dialogue Between Hamas and Israel Fails to Yield Fruitful Results

May 5, 2024 Hour: 9:10 pm

Negotiations between the Hamas-Israel Palestinian resistance movement for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip ended this Sunday without encouraging results.


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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to end the bombing of Gaza, while Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh denounced Netanyahu’s sabotage of the talks.

In this way, in Cairo, Egypt, the possibility of a truce to the conflict that has killed 34,683 Palestinians and the possibility of stopping the Israeli aggression, which according to Hamas is “the priority of the movement” has been closed.

Without a recognition of the genocide committed in Palestine, Benjamin Netanyahu justified the “to accept a situation in which Hamas battalions leave their shelters, retake control of Gaza, rebuild its military infrastructure and again threaten Israeli citizens in adjacent communities”.

Meanwhile, Ismail Haniyeh said that this behavior of Netanyahu represents “an act of sabotage to the efforts made” to reach a ceasefire agreement. “The world has become hostage to an extremist government, plagued by a wide range of political problems and crimes committed in Gaza,” he said.

The first stage of the negotiations includes the release of between 20 and 33 hostages for several weeks, a pause in fighting and the release of Palestinian prisoners in Israel. However, Netanyahu said he “cannot accept” the end of the war in Gaza as a condition for a ceasefire that would allow the release of Israeli hostages.


Autor: teleSUR/ CC

Fuente: teleSURtv.net

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