Dominica Celebrates the Role of Cuba and Venezuela in the Union of the Global South

April 24, 2024 Hour: 9:31 pm
The Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit, in his speech, paid tribute to the founders of ALBA-TCP, commanders Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro.
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Skerrit stressing that “it was these two gentlemen, the pioneers in many aspects of development in this world”, stressing that “There is no organization in the world that, in such a short time, has managed to do so much for so many people and therefore countries, as much as ALBA -TCP has done”.
“It is a solidarity group that stands firm in the defense of sisters and brothers, which ensures that the efforts of capitalism, of neocapitalism, will not defeat us, will not defeat our solidarity, nor our sovereignty as nations,” he said.
The Prime Minister showed his solidarity with Cuba by stating that the embargo imposed “has affected millions of lives, and we as a world cannot sit back and allow a single country to impose this terrible act on a sister nation, and I told the president that there is nothing that can prevent us from strengthening and deepening our solidarity, our love for the people of Cuba and the Cuban Revolution”.
El Primer Ministro de la Mancomunidad de Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit, reconoció en el presidente Maduro, un hombre “fiel a la Revolución Bolivariana”, que permitirá al pueblo venezolano continuar avanzando en su lucha por la soberanía plena.
— Prensa Presidencial (@PresidencialVen)
April 25, 2024
El Primer Ministro de la Mancomunidad de Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit, reconoció en el presidente Maduro, un hombre “fiel a la Revolución Bolivariana”, que permitirá al pueblo venezolano continuar avanzando en su lucha por la soberanía plena.
— Prensa Presidencial (@PresidencialVen)
April 25, 2024
The text reads,
The Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit, recognized in President Maduro, a man “faithful to the Bolivarian Revolution”, who will allow the Venezuelan people to continue advancing in their fight for full sovereignty.
He also said that to have solidarity with Venezuela is to defend the democracy of that nation, considering that “it is not an ideological issue, it is a matter of principles, of justice, of equity. The world must remain supportive and defend the people of Venezuela”. Skerrit also expressed his solidarity and determination with the people and Governments of Bolivia and Nicaragua.
“In these 20 years of ALBA many said that it would not last even a year when it was established, but here we are, today 20 years of strength, 20 years of solidarity, 20 years of complementarity between all of us, the nations of the Caribbean and Latin America and the most important thing about ALBA is that it speaks to the center, to the most important of human survival, to the challenges of humanity, and has formulated solutions to those challenges,” he said.
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Autor: teleSUR/ CC