Ecuador: More Operations Against Criminal Gangs

Ecuadorian National Police during Press Conference, explaining the progress of the new Operations, July, 23, 2024 Photo: @PoliciaEcuador
July 23, 2024 Hour: 7:56 pm
In Ecuador, a declaration of internal armed conflict is in force, a provision with which President Daniel Noboa accompanied last January’s declaration of a nationwide state of emergency to curb insecurity and organized crime.
On Tuesday, the Ecuadorian National Police arrested 14 alleged members of a criminal organization dedicated to the robbery of financial institutions, as part of operations against organized crime here.
Ecuador: Lawmakers Call for Explanations on Insecurity
The operation was carried out in the provinces of Pichincha, Guayas and Manabí.
According to the authorities, the detainees were involved in robbery with firearms in financial institutions and residential properties.
According to the police report, the criminal gang carried out fake police operations and used institutional and private security company uniforms.
In Ecuador, a declaration of internal armed conflict is in force, a provision with which President Daniel Noboa accompanied last January’s declaration of a nationwide state of emergency to curb insecurity and organized crime.
Despite the presence of the military on the streets and the repeated states of emergency, violent acts have not ceased in the Andean country. Also on Tuesday, the mayor of the city of Durán, in the province of Guayas, Luis Chonillo, reported an attack on two municipal officials.
Both are in stable condition, but one of them has gunshot wounds, Chonillo said.
This attack comes in the midst of the government’s intervention in the area due to an increase in crime.
Meanwhile, legislators will today request the appearance of the Minister of the Interior, Monica Palencia, and the Minister of Defense, Gian Carlo Loffredo, due to the persistent insecurity in the coastal province of Manabi.
A total of 11 parliamentarians representing this territory signed a document in which they announced that they will ask the plenary session of the National Assembly (parliament) to approve a summons to the aforementioned officials this Tuesday.
The appearance of these authorities will allow the assembly members and the public to learn about the progress and challenges in terms of security, as well as to evaluate the policies implemented, according to the document.
The authorities blame drug gangs for the wave of violence that has made the South American nation one of the most insecure in the world, with 47.2 murders per 100,000 inhabitants in 2023, according to the Ecuadorian Observatory of Organized Crime.
Autor: OSG
Fuente: The Independent-The Star