Ecuador Warns of the Existence of Weapons Still Not Located in Prisons

Prisioners in Maxim Security Prision in Ecador, Guarded by Militars, June 2024 Photo: EFE
June 6, 2024 Hour: 11:11 pm
The Minister of Defense, Giancarlo Loffredo, warned about the presence of underground coves, with guns, in large prisons.
The Minister of National Defense of Ecuador, Giancarlo Loffredo, acknowledged that the presence of Armed Forces (FF.AA.) personnel is still maintained in the prisons, due to the existence of weapons that have not been located inside them.
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In an interview with a local media, the head of Defense warned about the presence of underground coves, mainly in large penitentiaries, especially in Guayas and warned that most of these coves contain weapons.
We are sure that there are still many weapons that we have not found in the prisons because they are made underground and cemented. We had to use penetration radars to find these hidden coves. We are sure that we have not yet found all the weapons», explained Loffredo.
Likewise, he specified that they are aware of the presence of weapons in larger prisons due to “other strategies that we cannot detail and that have to do with human sources”.
The Minister of Defense, Giancarlo Loffredo, warns about the presence of underground coves, especially in large prisons, mainly in Guayas. Be warned that most of these coves contain weapons.
The minister pointed out that in the last cove located in the Guayaquil Regional Prison, several material goods were found in addition to the weapons, such as 60-inch televisions and speakers. He also assured that the internet service was blocked and is only used for telematic audiences.
“In the prison there was wifi throughout the prison. There was no control so intervention was necessary, now it is controlled,” he said.
Loffredo specified that «There are prisons where the Armed Forces and police, as security blocks, are permanently, but there are also prisons in which they are not permanently; in those interventions are made that can last days or even a week and then come out again».
In this regard, he explained that in the prisons you detect as more conflict is being permanently. In this regard, he stressed that the Armed Forces are permanently in 12 prisons in the nation.