Electoral Entity Establishes Rules to Guarantee Citizen Participation in Venezuela

Venezuelan people and presidential candidate, Nicolás Maduro, attend a campaign event this Tuesday in a popular sector in Caracas, Venezuela. . Photo: EFE/ Miguel Gutiérrez
July 21, 2024 Hour: 1:49 pm
As the day of the presidential elections in Venezuela approaches, the Ministries of Defense and Interior issued a resolution that will guarantee the protection and the right of voters to participate in the elections of July 28.
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The resolution signed by the holders of both entities, Vladimir Padrino and Remigio Ceballos, establishes rules to comply from 12H01 on July 26, until 23H59 on July 29.
In that sense, it ordered the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (Ceofanb), through the Strategic Regions of Integral Defense, to establish a strict control of the movement of people along different routes.
The purpose of the measure is to “safeguard the inviolability of borders and prevent the activities of persons who could represent threats to the security” of the Bolivarian Republic on the occasion of the 28J elections.
It will also prohibit the sale of alcohol and fireworks, as well as carrying knives and firearms and restrict the circulation of heavy cargo vehicles throughout Venezuela.
In addition, public meetings and demonstrations or any other similar act that may affect the normal conduct of the electoral process shall be prohibited.
The joint text indicates that each police force will continue to provide its services to ensure security in compliance with the instructions issued by Ceofanb.
Autor: ACJ
Fuente: teleSURtv.net // VTV