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News > Latin America

Argentinian President Meets with Paraguayan Counterpart

  • President Kirchner visits Paraguay (Photo: Telesur)

    President Kirchner visits Paraguay (Photo: Telesur)

Published 12 August 2014

The two heads of state will meet in Asuncion, the Paraguayan capital, to discuss bilateral cooperation. 

Argentinean President Cristina Fernandez arrived in Asuncion where she will meet with her Paraguayan counterpart Horacio Cartes, in order to discuss several areas of bilateral cooperation including trade agreements and the installation of a nuclear energy plant. 

​Another issues that is likely to be addressed is the ongoing dispute over the Yacyreta hydroelectric dam, located on the Parana River, which separates the two countries.  

Although the original idea was to supply energy to both countries, the main beneficiary of the 3,000 MW of installed capacity is Argentina. A total of US$15 billion went into building the dam and hydropower station, 10 times more than the initial estimated cost.

Yacyretá’s energy supplies to Argentina, which close to 90 percent of the power produced by the dam, represent approximately 20 percent of the country’s total electricity consumption, according to the Federal Planning Ministry.

Last year, the Argentinean government established a commission to negotiate Paraguayn debt payments incurred due to the costs of construction. As of yet a final neither side has agreed to a final ammount. 

This marks President Fernandez second visit to Paraguay since Hoacio Cartes was elected. 

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