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Top LA Cop's Racist Emails Surface

  • File picture shows police officers standing guard at the entrance to the Los Angeles Police Academy.

    File picture shows police officers standing guard at the entrance to the Los Angeles Police Academy. | Photo: AFP

Published 27 April 2016

Tom Angel, the chief of staff for L.A.'s sheriff, sent racist emails while attempting to reform the Burbank police's racist, sexist and brutal conduct.

The Los Angeles Times reported today that a high-ranking L.A. County Sheriff's Department official forwarded emails with jokes containing derogatory stereotypes of Muslims, Blacks, Latinos, women and others from his work account during his previous job with the Burbank Police Department, according to city records.

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Tom Angel, the chief of staff for L.A. County Sheriff Jim McDonnell, sent the emails in 2012 and 2013, when he was the second in command for the Burbank police department. Angel had been hired to reform the police force there, which had been accused of police brutality, racism and sexual harassment.

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In one of the forwarded emails, which were obtained by the L.A. Times under California's public record laws, Burbank said, "I took my Biology exam last Friday, I was asked to name two things commonly found in cells. Apparently 'Blacks' and 'Mexicans' were NOT the correct answers."

Another email, with the subject line, "How dumb is dumb?" listed why "Muslim terrorists are so quick to commit suicide," it included "towels for hats," and "you can't wash off the smell of donkey."

When asked about the emails, Angel responded that he found it unfortunate that people could acquire his work emails through California's transparency laws.

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