European Parliament Sets Conditions for Ceasefire in Gaza

January 18, 2024 Hour: 9:24 am
On Thursday, the European Parliament expressed support for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza but demanded the immediate release of Israeli hostages and the dismantling of Hamas.
The EU parliamentary resolution was driven by social democrat, liberal, and green lawmakers. It was approved with 312 votes in favor, 131 against, and 72 abstentions.
“At our request, the European Parliament debated for the first time a resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza,” said Manon Aubry, the president of the left-wing caucus.
“It took over 24,000 Palestinian deaths, including 10,000 children, months of battle and several rejections of our demands for Parliament to finally make a decision.”
Marione Ingram is an 88-year-old Holocaust survivor and peace activist who has been demanding a ceasefire in Gaza. She just had a series of talks canceled in Germany, for which she says she never got a real explanation.
— Democracy Now! (@democracynow)
January 18, 2024
“Unfortunately, however, the right-wing-led coalition weakened our initial request by setting unrealistic preconditions for the ceasefire,” said the French politician, who represents the left-wing party La France Insoumise.
“The resolution refused to include our amendments that called for putting real diplomatic pressure on Israel,” Aubry said, emphasizing that “this move leaves Netanyahu and his far-right administration with a free hand to continue their crimes.”
In the final document, the EU legislators condemned both the attacks by Hamas and the “disproportionate Israeli military response” and its “unprecedented” magnitude of civilian casualties.
The term “permanent ceasefire” in the parliamentary text is more ambitious than the consensus reached in October in the Euro Parliament’s initial response to the Gaza conflict, which called for a “humanitarian pause” pending an agreement for a ceasefire.
The French MP in the European Parliament, Manon Aubry, accuses the EU of involvement in Gaza bloodshed, given the financial, political,& military support & supply of weapons it provides to Israel. #Gaza_Genocide
#gaza #gazaunderattak #GazaGenocide #CeasefireNow #palestine— İbrahim Ali (@Shammalah68)
January 18, 2024
Amid the escalation of the Israeli offensive against Palestinian territories, the EU Parliament reiterated Israel’s right to defend itself “within the limits of international law.”
However, the EU legislators stated that all parties must at all times distinguish between combatants and civilians, attacks should only target military objectives, and civilian infrastructure should not be subject to attacks.
Humanitarian access must be “full, rapid, safe, and unimpeded throughout the Gaza Strip,” where the humanitarian situation is undergoing a “serious and rapid deterioration,” the European Parliament resolution acknowledged.
Israel must allow the uninterrupted supply of essential products such as fuel, food, water, medical supplies, and shelter, it added.
#FromTheSouth News Bits | The Israeli tanks begin to withdraw from middle Gaza, however, some areas are still under siege, such as the case of one of the refugee camps which still suffers from the bombardment of the Israeli army. Our correspondent Noor Harazeen has more details.
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Autor: teleSUR/ JF
Fuente: EFE