FARC Forces Attacks Police Station in Cauca

Trucks of the Colombian Police, June 2024 Photo: EFE
June 14, 2024 Hour: 12:18 pm
The Colombian Army went to the site of the attack to support the police officers who were at the police headquarters.
In a new act of violence in the Colombian department of Cauca, FARC dissidents launched an attack on a police station in a rural area of the southwestern South American country on Thursday.
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When the attack against the police station in the area of El Caramelo, located in the municipality of Cajibio, Cauca, was confirmed, the Army and the Air Force came to support the police officers who were in the police facility.
«Our troops of the 29th Brigade of the Army begin offensive maneuvers to support our brothers of the Police who are fighting against the residual organized armed group Jaime Martínez in rural Cajibio»reported the Colombian Army in its X account.
The damage of the rebel group’s new attack, which occurs hours after the attack on another police station in the same municipality, which left no fatalities or injuries but about fifty affected homes, is still unknown.
In recent days the FARC dissident group known as the Central General Staff (EMC) has intensified the number of attacks in the Cauca region that began with four attacks that left one civilian and two uniformed wounded.
The two most serious attacks occurred in the municipality of Jamundí, the first was the explosion of a motorcycle bomb in the center of the town, which left a civilian and two policemen injured, and the other an attack on a police station in a rural area known as Potrerito.
In this sense, Colombian President Gustavo Petro said in his X account: With these fronts there is neither dialogue nor ceasefire. In the canyon of the Micay they develop fights in depth and therefore they want to dilute the offensive of the Government on this objective with bombs in other places».
The Colombian government suspended the ceasefire in three departments of the country after violence against indigenous people and the security forces with the EMC, which is no longer at the peace dialogue table.
Autor: OSG
Fuente: EFE