FILBO2024: Culture, Love for the Planet and Literature

April 18, 2024 Hour: 8:43 pm
On the morning of last Wednesday, the 36th edition of the International Book Fair of Bogota (Filbo 2024) began in the Colombian capital, Bogota.
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In this edition, Brazil is the country honored under the motto ‘Read nature’, in a call to protect the Amazon rainforest from the stories of biodiversity, ancestry and territory shared with Colombia.
During the meeting, more than 250 guests from 25 countries are expected to participate, in addition to the realization of 2,300 activities in different pavilions. Among the guests are the Spanish Irene Vallejo and Rosa Montero and the Argentines Eduardo Sacheri and Andrés Oppenheimer, or the Japanese Satoshi Kitamura.
The event will be attended by Brazilian authors Luciany Aparecida, Ailton Krenak, Rita Carelli, Amicar Bettega and Bernardo Carvalho, along with the shelves of the pavilion will be accessible the literary works of Clarice Lispector, Jorge Amado, Rubem Fonseca and Joaquim Machado de Assis.
#LeeLaNaturaleza | Nos estamos preparando para compartir con Colombia y el mundo nuestras novedades en generación de conocimiento. #EjércitoEnLaFilbo #FILBo2024 @ejercito_cedoc
— Ejército Nacional de Colombia (@COL_EJERCITO)
April 15, 2024
The program will feature the oral narrator, teacher Karen Vieira Costa and contemporary visual artist Isabel Cristina Morales, you can also enjoy Portuguese classes with the Instituto de Cultura Brasil Colombia (Ibraco), capoeira with Petty Officer Andrés Orjela; and samba with the Brazilian choreographer Eleonora Souza.
For Colombia, personalities such as Brigitte Baptiste, Andrea Cote, Santiago Espinosa, Horacio Benavides and Iliana Hernández will be present, as well as guests such as the Spanish anthropologist and philosopher Santiago Beruete or the sociologist, activist and Aymara historian, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui.
Also coming from Argentina will be the writers Clara Obligado and Agustina Bazterrica; the first, from the universe of micro-dramas and the essay on nature ‘Everything that grows’; while the second has written novels like ‘Exquisite corpse’ and ‘The indignas’.
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Autor: teleSUR/ CC
Fuente: teleSURtv