Five People Died Due Storm With Record Wind Gusts in São Paulo, Brazil

Destruction caused by the strong storms in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Photo: X/ @D7353162Santos

October 12, 2024 Hour: 2:31 pm

Five people died during the night of this Friday (11) in São Paulo due to the strong storms that unleashed record wind gusts of 107.6 km/h, according to historical data, throughout the Metropolitan Region, the local government reported this Saturday.


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Three of the deaths occurred in the municipality of Bauru, in the interior of São Paulo, where a wall fell on a man, a woman, and a child.

The other two fatalities were one in the capital and another in the industrial city of Diadema, both due to the falling of two trees.

Storms that hit São Paulo on Friday (11) caused death and destruction wherever they passed. According to the São Paulo Civil Defense, seven deaths have been recorded so far. Thousands of people are without power. The roof of a shopping mall was ripped off by the fury of #nature.

The Fire Department recorded around 150 calls by Saturday morning to respond to fallen trees throughout the metropolitan area.

During the night, more than 2 million people suffered a total power outage, and so far, at least 1.6 million remain without electricity.

The Brazilian energy distributor, Enel, reported that in some places entire sections of the electrical network were damaged, so it will be necessary to rebuild new kilometers of network, replace poles, transformers, and other equipment.

The lack of electricity also affected water distribution in several regions, and therefore the Civil Defense recommended that residents “make conscious use of the water stored in tanks” and “if possible, reserve it until the distribution system is fully operational.”

Autor: ACJ

Fuente: EFE