Forest Fires Spread Throughout Bolivia and Force Displacements

Fires in forest of Bolivia, Aug 2024 Photo:@nytimes

August 27, 2024 Hour: 10:12 pm

Bolivia recorded 43 forest fires in the department of Santa Cruz on Tuesday, 13 more than last week’s reported, and because of the risk of fire spreading, the inhabitants of some indigenous communities in the area abandoned their homes.

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“Our early warning system registers 43 active fires in 12 municipalities of Santa Cruz. Almost two million hectares have been affected by the fires,” said Jhonny Rojas, coordinator of the Departmental Emergency Operations Center (COED), at a press conference.

According to the Governor’s report, the most affected municipalities are Concepción, with eight fires; Ascensión de Guarayos, with seven; Urubichá, also records seven fires; San Ignacio de Velasco, with five active fires and San José de Chiquitos, with four fires.

To that list are added San Matías, with three fires; San Javier, with two; San Rafael, with two others; El Puente, with two; Roboré, with one; Puerto Quijarro, with one, and San Miguel de Velasco records a fire.

“We are coordinating all the work that we have scheduled for this week, tomorrow two aircraft with technicians from the Government and the army will leave,” added Rojas.

In San Javier, at least 300 people from five communities belonging to the Monte Verde Community Land were forced out of their homes for fear that the fire would harm them.

A week ago, the Santa Cruz Governorate, the most populous region in Bolivia, recorded 30 fires affecting all 12 municipalities. However, the amount has risen to 43 in recent days.

Another sector that was seriously affected is the Natural Area of Integrated Management, located in San Matías, where until last week was the largest fire in the region.

The Chiquitano Bosque Seco Observatory said that there are a total of six protected areas affected by fire, including the Noel Kempff Mercado national park, declared a World Heritage Site in 2000.

Autor: CC

Fuente: EFE

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