Global Leaders Adopt Pact for “A Sustainable World Order”

United Nations Hemicycle during the summit to adopt the Pact for the Future. Photo: X/ @Kassaga4UG

September 22, 2024 Hour: 5:39 pm

World leaders adopted this Sunday at the United Nations the “Pact for the Future”, a non-binding document that opens the door to reform of the Security Council, a redesign of the financial architecture of the institution and new regulations for technological advances.


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U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres described the pact as a landmark agreement that is a “step-change towards more effective, inclusive, networked multilateralism.”

The document should be achieved by consensus and after 18 months of negotiations between the Member States, was adopted without a vote at the start of a two-day Summit of the Future.

On his opening speech, Guterres said multilateralism, should be rescued from the from the bottom of the abyss in a world where conflicts have proliferated.

“The actions in this Pact aim to ensure that the United Nations and other key multilateral institutions can deliver a better future for people and planet, enabling us to fulfil our existing commitments while rising to new and emerging challenges and opportunities,” said Guterres.

The Russian delegation criticized the document saying that there was no meeting at which all delegations could sit down to discuss the document paragraph by paragraph. Amendments were only made to benefit western countries.

In this regard, Russia presented an amendment which was supported orally by other delegations such as Venezuela, which also represented Iran and Syria. The amendment was rejected by 143 countries, 15 abstentions and 7 votes in favour.

The international organization has detailed that in the process for the crystallization of the Pact of the Future contributed thousands of people around the world, from heads of state and government to international observers, NGO’s, civil society and experts from the same UN

Autor: ACJ

Fuente: EFE // Reuters // UN News

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