Hondurean People Join to the D-Day Against the Dengue

Military Forces Helping in the Elimination of Vectors of Dengue, Aug, 23, 2024 Photo: Fuerzas Armadas Honduras

August 23, 2024 Hour: 6:55 pm

Hundreds of people joined the fight against the dengue mosquito in Honduras on ‘D-Day’ this Friday, a disease that has left at least 137 dead and over 109,000 cases registered so far in 2024 in the Central American country.

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“D-Day is an opportunity for all of us to join in the effort to eliminate all breeding sites of the insect,” said Honduras Health Secretary Carla Paredes, at the start of the Tegucigalpa health crusade.

He added that all Hondurans should check their homes and “remove any container with water that can be used as a breeding ground” of the transmitter waders, the Aedes aegypti.

The national day included washing water storage batteries, fumigation, clearing wastelands, public squares and destroying any tanks that could be used as a bed for waders, among other measures.

The Text reads,
Members of the 105th Infantry Brigade, accompanied by other institutions and in support of the Metropolitan Health Region of CortĂ©s, began “D-Day”, “National Day of the fight against Dengue”, in the Cabañas neighborhood of San Pedro Sula.

On Thursday, the senior official reported on national radio and television that in this year dengue has caused the death of 137 people, which reflects “the gravity of the situation and the urgency of our actions”.

The doctor and deputy Carlos Umaña told journalists that the “peak” of infections with the deadly disease is “just beginning” and that in the country four serotypes of dengue have been registered.

He added that unfortunately many of those who are dying are children.

Autor: OSG

Fuente: EFE

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