In Venezuela Reigns the Tranquility

Venezuelan People in the Streets, July 2024 Photo: @Nahumfernandezm

August 1, 2024 Hour: 8:05 pm

He stressed that the nation has a right to fair trial, all detainees will be tried according to due process and those whose participation is proven will be released.

The Attorney General of Venezuela, tarek William Saab, said in a press conference that in the country reigns absolute tranquility despite the violent acts of so-called «comanditos». He noted that thanks to the immediate action of the MP, courts and other officials were quickly controlled.

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He stressed that the nation has a right to fair trial, all detainees will be tried according to due process and those whose participation is proven will be released.

He made clear that behind these events are criminal groups and recalled that during the investigation to a national leader of the organization Vente Venezuela, Brad Ulloa, this explained, In January of this year, what was the plan of the extreme right and that its executing arm would be these groups, which are not an electoral structure but criminal.

He showed a video of a group of criminals who violated in La Guaira a statue of the commander Hugo Chávez, as well as the assault on the town hall of Sotillo, in the state of Anzoátegui. In both cases, a group of guards were arrested, as well as those who tried to decapitate the statue of Blessed José Gregorio Hernández in El Tigre.

teleSUR team touring through the streets of Caracas – Thursday August 1

Another video presented during the hearing was that of a young man who insulted through social networks to the constitutional president Nicolás Maduro and the vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello.

After his arrest, the young man asked for forgiveness, retracted his participation and asked other young people not to be influenced by the calls to violence of María Corina Machado.

He reported that a group of citizens were arrested in the state of Bolívar for knocking down the statue of Commander Hugo Chávez, as well as another who participated in acts of vandalism against a CNE headquarters in the state of Falcón. The latter confessed that he had not voted and that stealing a computer was part of a game, when in fact it is a crime, said the official.

In all the examples presented, the Attorney-General questioned what these acts of violence have to do with peaceful protest.

He felt that previous violence was amplified because the then attorney general indicated she would not act against what she considered protests. He claimed that his projection was part of the destabilizing plan.

Autor: CC

Fuente: teleSURtv