International Comunity Repudiates Israel’s Attack on Southern Beirut in Lebanon
Damages left by the Zionist Bombings in Beirut, Sept, 20, 2024
September 20, 2024 Hour: 8:26 pm
The Syrian Foreign Ministry blamed the US and the West for “providing military and moral support to these attacks».
Following the Israeli attack on south Beirut, the capital of Lebanon where 12 people were killed and at least 66 were wounded, international repudiations have not been delayed.
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The Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned this attack as a “crime against humanity”.
«The world has witnessed (..) a Zionist aggression against the southern suburbs (of Beirut) in Lebanon, with the result of the death of many and the suffering of (…) civilians (…) by committing these crimes, the Zionist entity demonstrates its brutality, its flagrant estrangement from humanity and international law», points out the Syrian diplomatic body.
The body also blamed the US and the West for “providing military and moral support to these attacks».
«These crimes are considered war crimes and crimes against humanity, since the Zionists were not satisfied with the destruction of the Gaza Strip», he added.
Like Syria, the Iranian diplomatic headquarters on Lebanese soil opposed such actions while offering condolences to the families of those killed and injured.
We strongly condemn the Israeli madness and arrogance that overran all boundaries in the attack on residential neighborhoods of the southern suburbs of Beirut, killing and wounding dozens of people, including children and women. We reaffirm that such terrorist offenses cannot undermine the determination and faith of the Lebanese people», stressed the consular headquarters in X.
The Government of Spain, for its part, opposed the attack, calling for a reduction in the escalation of the conflict.
«The Government of Spain condemns the Israeli bombing of Beirut and the firing of Hizbullah rockets on Israel. The crossing of attacks causes innocent victims and seriously threatens the stability of the region and international peace and security», stressed the Spanish administration.
They also noted that these attacks are carried out «in an extremely tense regional context».
«Spain demands that all parties and regional actors refrain from any act that could trigger an even greater outbreak of violence, and calls for the restoration of stability and compliance with all Security Council resolutions», they add
Autor: CC
Fuente: EFE-Sputnik-Al Mayadeen