Iran: President Pezeshkian Calls for the Islamic World Unity

President Pezeshkian during his speech, Sept 16, 2024 Photo: @XHChineNouvelle

September 16, 2024 Hour: 4:20 pm

Pezeshkian also reaffirmed his intention to create a free market for foreign investment, seeking to attract capital and strengthen economic ties with neighbouring countries.

Iranian President Masud Pezeshkian, in his first official speech, emphasized the need for reconciliation between political factions to address the economic difficulties facing the nation.

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His message was received at the press conference held on Monday in the Iran Conference Centre, attended by more than 300 national and international media.

The conference took place during Islamic Unity Week, a period that Pezeshkian highlighted as crucial for raising awareness of today’s reality.

Regarding the recent Yemeni missile attack on Israel, Pezeshkian rejected accusations that Iran had provided hypersonic missiles to Yemen to carry out the attack in Tel Aviv, stating that «Yemenis are capable of building their own weapons».

The president criticized the position of the United States and its western allies in supporting the war conflicts promoted by Israel, including the provision of military and scientific aid.

However, he also noted that Iran has no problems with the US as long as the rights of the Iranians are respected, stressing that «we will not let any country humiliate us», warned the president.

Mr Pezeshkian reiterated his commitment to strengthening relations with neighbouring countries, as he had promised in his investiture speech.

Referring to the genocide that Israel is perpetrating in Palestine, the president expressed his support for strengthening ties between Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other countries.

He also spoke about the crimes in the Gaza Strip, lamenting: “If we could resolve differences between Muslims and unite, enemies would not be able to kill our women and children”.

Autor: OSG

Fuente: PressTV-IRNA

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