Israel Takes Control of Rafah Crossing in Gaza

May 7, 2024 Hour: 8:15 am

On Tuesday, Israeli occupation forces assumed “operational control” over Gaza’s Rafah crossing, which has served as a passage for humanitarian aid from Egypt.


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Since the beginning of the assault overnight Monday, Israel said it has taken control of the Gaza side of the Rafah crossing, with the Israeli forces killing at least 20 Palestinians.

Israeli forces attacked the Rafah city from the ground and air, the military said, as residents reported heavy and relentless bombardments.

The military said it had struck “military structures, underground infrastructure, and three operational tunnel shafts.”

Meanwhile, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) called on the United States and the international community to put pressure on Israel to stop the storming of the Rafah crossing.

“The attack is a dangerous escalation against a civilian facility protected by international law, aiming to exacerbate the humanitarian situation in the strip, by closing it and preventing the flow of emergency relief aid through it to our besieged people,” it said, adding that the escalation threatens the lives of hundreds of thousands of displaced civilians.

The Israeli raid came after Hamas told the Egyptian and Qatari sides that the movement approved their proposal regarding a ceasefire in Gaza. Hamas said it confirms Israel’s intention to disrupt mediation efforts for a ceasefire and the release of prisoners.

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: Xinhua - EFE

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